25 February 2009

Legislature 2009: Day 15

  • The Register-Herald of Beckley weighs options for future state funding of West Virginia's myriad fairs and festivals.
  • AP highlights the extra $46 million the state must pour into public pension funds to offset heavy investment losses.
  • The Beckley newspaper also reports on one delegate's proposal for landing a coal-to-liquids plant in the state. MetroNews has a report as well, with audio.
  • Public Broadcasting relays concerns from lawmakers about recession-driven increases to residential utility bills. With video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Larry -- AP's story on the PROMISE debate includes a piece of negative spin that should never have made it past the Charleston desk:

"Since 2002, the program has more than quadrupled its budget, to $42.3 million this year."

In 2002, the program was just getting off the ground with the first set of college freshmen. Over the next 3 years -- as intended -- the costs rose each year as a new freshman class entered, while previous classes remained in school.

Sure the cost has risen -- but to compare the cost of four full years of classes to one is specious.