08 October 2008

Quote of the Day

"We endorsed the governor four years ago when it really made a difference. At this point it looks like he will be reelected and we will continue to have a relationship with him."

-- West Virginia Education Association President Dale Lee, explaining to MetroNews why the teachers' group has declined to endorse his bid for a second term.


Anonymous said...

He's a Democrat, so of course we're for him, but our declining membership hates him, so we're going to ride the fence and take no position on this.

Anonymous said...

The teachers need to quit riding the fence. Supporting him four years ago didn't get them what they wanted - why not go against him? Manchin is a power hungry jerk.

clear eyes said...

If they don't endorse Manchin, who else would they endorse? There is no communist candidate to endorse. They could endorse someone they like even less than Manchin, but what would that buy them when Manchin is elected anyway?