04 February 2007

Gov. Manchin Gets Some Mail

The state's environmental community is claiming a minor victory of sorts this weekend in their ongoing quest to have Raleigh County's Marsh Fork Elementary School relocated away from a coal processing facility.

Activists converged on Gov. Joe Manchin after he spoke at a
South Charleston Chamber of Commerce event, to hand him hundreds of letters from schoolchildren enlisted worldwide to demand action over Marsh Fork. The activists also sported a large banner as they confronted the governor in front of the unsuspecting audience.

One of the groups involved, Coal River Mountain Watch, issued a press release on the Feb. 2 "surprise delivery." (There are also photos from it floating around cyberspace, and I'm looking for the link).

Oddly, the activists had boasted
the previous day of giving Manchin the letters by hand. The Feb. 2 release and other Internet chatter about the stunt alleges the governor had "dodged" the attempted Feb. 1 delivery, perhaps by sending out an aide to the environmentalists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of term is "environmental community"? Is it the state's "religious community" that is organizing against poker and blackjack? Coal River Mountain Watch showed up to bait and attck citizens who don't want giant industrial wind turbines in their back yards Let's send this misleading term to a well-deserved retirement.