24 April 2007

Jay in GOP crosshairs? UPDATED

U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., is the target of a video ad that the National Republican Senatorial Committee has posted on its own section of YouTube.

But the spot appears to be of a cookie-cutter variety, as nearly identical ads on the NRSC page similarly attack such other Democratic senators as Tom Harkin of Iowa and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.

The ads seize on comments attributed to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., regarding Iraq.

The NRSC set up its YouTube page April 3, and added the anti-Rockefeller video Monday.

The NRSC launched the first attack ad of the 2006 election cycle with an online (and later TV) spot targeting Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va. The NRSC appeared to be singling out Byrd with that effort, however, in an purported attempt to dissuade the 80-something senator from seeking a ninth term.

The NRSC also recruited _ but then seemingly abandoned _ an opponent to challenge Byrd, who won his record term with more than 64 percent of the vote.

The Charleston Gazette touches on the new NRSC video.

Update: The pundits are already handicapping the race for Rockefeller’s seat in 2008:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The NRSC did this against Robert Byrd at first, but quickly lost steam. Robert Byrd is still our Senator, but for how much longer?

And, no, I don't plan on doing no fake websites against Jay Rockefeller neither. ;-)