16 February 2009

Quote of the Day

“That killed him."

-- A "smiling" Massey CEO Don Blankenship to The New York Times, regarding the 2004 ads he bankrolled alleging then-Supreme Court Justice Warren McGraw "released a pedophile." The Times calls the ads "rough and arguably misleading."


Anonymous said...

Doubtful. What really "killed" Warren McGraw was his over the top hollerin' and wailin' at the Rainelle, WV labor rally. Amusing in a rather twisted manner...but obviously someone not stable enough to serve on the WV Supreme court. Can we say..."paranoid", boys and girls?

Anonymous said...

That's Racine, not Rainelle. And maybe it was the fact that one or two carloads of Massey thugs were following McGraw everywhere he went, night and day, taking pictures of him and everyone he talked to while those disgusting ads ran. How stable would you be after a few months of that, Ace?

Anonymous said...


I think perhaps Racine in Boone County was the object of your McGraw-scorn-geographic-wondering.

Anonymous said...

The entire McGraw family is an embarrassment to the state.
With or without so called "Massey thugs" following him, it was only a matter of time before Warren went off on another one of his paranoid, semi-coherent populist rants.
He did himself in.