09 April 2010

A Long, Difficult Night (2nd Update)

Rescuers are down to one refuge chamber in their search for the missing miners, but signs of fire have forced them yet again to withdraw to the surface, The Associated Press reports.

Gov. Joe Manchin said crews continue to drill a hole near that final chamber, with plans to lower in a camera to check it out. Rescuers have also poured nitrogen into the mine to combat the toxic gas levels there.

Update: AP is covering the ongoing story on several additional fronts:

  • Manchin tells AP that six of the dead were found on a second mantrip vehicle, deeper inside the mine from where rescuers recovered six dead and three injured in another mantrip. One of those injured died soon afterward.
Update: One family tells AP that miner killed left farewell note, fears about mine's ventilation.

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