03 March 2010

Election 2010: Congress

U.S. Reps. Alan Mollohan, W.Va.-01, and Nick Rahall, W.Va.-02, are among more than a dozen House Democrats targeted by a cookie-cutter set of television ads this week.

Politico reports that the spots from the League of American Voters urge viewers to tell these incumbents "to switch their votes on health care reform to 'no.'"

That item also said that the group "is a 501(c)4 that doesn't have to disclose its donors." Its director reinforced that point to The Charleston Gazette.

While alleging that "my organization has raised over $5 million since the beginning of August," Bob Adams told the newspaper "we are not required by law to disclose the names of our donors. I never will."

State Democratic Party Chairman Nick Casey told The Gazette that "the ads contain 'half-truths' about legislation passed by the Senate, not the House." Some of its content has also been previously challenged by FactCheck.org, the article said.

The Gazette also notes that "the group shares an office in Washington, D.C., with Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative organization headed by Grover Norquist."

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